Friday, June 11, 2010

Desperate for Momentum, Coalition Forms Supporting Mayoral Control

There’s been a lot of question about whether or not mayoral control would have enough momentum to keep moving forward now that Rochester Mayor Bob Duffy is running for Lt. Governor. Opponents of the policy have definitely been declaring mayoral control dead, especially when you consider that the bill Gov. Paterson just introduced a bill in both houses of the legislator is unlikely to be considered before the end of session. There are still some people who are not willing to give up on the Mayor’s office taking over the schools, however, as they’ve just formed a new coalition to support mayoral control.
At a press conference outside School 33 on Webster Avenue, founding members of Rochester Kids First Coalition — 18 in all — affirmed support for a bill introduced this week in the state Legislature.

The announcement came just hours after the Conference of Big 5 School Districts released a statement denouncing the legislation.
What’s important to note here is the plain and simple fact that the vast majority of the 18 people involved in the press conference had already voiced their support of mayoral control. In other words, the news here is that they’re now trying to bring their voices together since they can no longer depend on Duffy to be spearheading the movement for mayoral control while he’s campaigning for the Lt. Governor’s office. When you combine that with the fact that most people in the legislator have all but officially said the bill won’t be taken up this session, there is definitely a sense that supporters of mayoral control are getting a little worried about the fate of the policy.

UPDATE: While it's still rather unlikely that there will be action on the bill before the end of session, there are some rumors swirly around that the Senate might be taking up a vote before the end of session. I therefore encourage everyone to contact Senator Joe Robach's office at 518-455-2909 or 585-225-3650 to let him know that the people of Rochester don't support mayoral contract.

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